Monday 20 August 2018

Shiatsu I, con Derk Rossbach

2018, from 14th to 18th october

Foundation Course - initiation

Shiatsu* is a Japanese style of massage, based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine. It consists in a big variety of techniques, but the most typical ones are stretching and finger pressure along the energetic meridians, including the acupuncture points.
The origin of any action is the centre of being (Hara), looking for the fusion with the universal energy Qi. Qi Gong exercises are part of the training.

This class, leaded by Derk Rossbach from the European Shiatsu School, matches the first cycle of professional formation of the European Shiatsu School. At the end, a diploma will be given that allows going on in that program at any time and in any place where there is a branch of the European Shiatsu School in Spain.

But even for those who don’t wish to go on, this workshop is complete in itself and prepares the students in a very practical way so they can apply basic sequences as a complement for related activities and as a help in the process of self-consciousness.
The teaching follows the tradition of Shiatsu-Zen which means that there is special emphasis on Traditional Medicine and Philosophy in Orient, where an energetic diagnostic* is done in order to adjust the treatment* and to encompass physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. Classes will be given in Spanish but can be translated in English, German or French.

More info / booking: 
+34 600 076 898 

For information about Derk Rossbach link here

*At this moment Spanish law does not consider any alternative nor natural therapy as there are Shiatsu, Osteopathy, Quiromasaje, although the European Shiatsu School is homologized with thestandard of other European countries.